• Experiencia

    Mínimo 5 años de experiencia.

  • Salario

    Remuneración no especificada

  • Área – Posición

    Calidad, I+D, PRL y Medio Ambiente

    • Gerente de Proyectos de Investigación y Desarrollo
  • Categoría o nivel

    De control intermedio

  • Lugares de trabajo gratuitos


  • sobrescrito


  • Un contrato

    Un contrato indefinido

  • Día de trabajo

    Jornada laboral completa

descripción de la oferta

Duración de la oferta: hasta el 25.12.2023.


You will manage a team consisting of 15 colleagues including breeders and assistants. As a Team Leader, you manage a local team and interact with specialists from various departments internationally, both in R&D and operations. You will also be involved in:
 * Motivating, guiding, and managing colleagues in the execution of their tasks and projects, paying special attention to their personal development
 * Organizing, directing, and timely adjusting the various breeding goals across the local breeding programs with the breeders while managing one breeding program yourself Initiating new projects in line with the crop strategy
 * Be involved in preparing strategic crop meetings
 * Thinking along and participating in new initiatives and projects focused on development and implementation of new technologies and software in breeding


 * Msc degree with a specialization on genetics and/or breeding.
 * Proven experience in leading a breeding program.
 * At least 5 years of experience in managing research team.
 * Fluent in English.

se ofrece

 * A permanent contract right from the start.
 * A good salary based on job level and experience.
 * Various training opportunities
 * The freedom to take the initiative and work on your own development

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